The Master Bedroom as a Sanctuary

by Carol C. Wheelock

Do you love your master bedroom? Regardless of the floor space, any master bedroom should function as a sanctuary for the couple or single person who sleeps there. It should evoke that ahhhh feeling. You should love it. Following some basic feng shui principles to bring balance to a master bedroom can help you create that sanctuary you deserve.

The dictionary defines sanctuary as a place of refuge. In order to be a place of refuge it needs to look like a place of refuge. The feng shui adage "What you first see most affects your chi" is extremely important. What do you see when you walk into your master bedroom? And what do you see when you first open your eyes in the morning?

Refuge means a protected place to go to nurture yourself and/or a relationship. It's a space free of distractions. This means no laundry, work, computers, kids' toys, etc. If there is no other place to do these activities then it is important to clear all traces of them at bedtime. Laundry needs to be put away, not piled on the floor next to the bed. If it is necessary to have a work space in the bedroom, then cover it or hide it behind a screen at the end of the day.

Children's toys and other belongings are often an issue for today's busy parents. They end up in the master bedroom and even in the bed. Be clear about setting boundaries and don't let toys, etc. accumulate in the parents' bedroom. Children typically have more than enough places in which to play and leave toys. The master bedroom needs to be a room that is for and about the adults in the household.

It is very tempting to put photographs of friends, ancestors, and family members in a master bedroom. The problem is that the room starts to feel energetically crowded. Why are all these people in your bedroom? Save the master bedroom for photos of the couple that sleeps there. In the case of a single person wanting a relationship, it's best to keep photos outside the bedroom.

The emphasis in a master bedroom should be on the couple. If there is room for seating, have two chairs rather than one. Select art that reflects a relationship between two, whether the subject is people, birds, or boats. Think in terms of pairs of things. Single men or women who want a partner tend to have single images in their bedrooms, thus emphasizing their current single status. If a relationship is desired it is important to focus on pairs. Examples include two nightstands, two lamps, and two candles.

Bedrooms should be spaces that are balanced or maybe slightly more yin than yang. If a bedroom is too yang it is difficult to relax. Rooms with high ceilings are yang spaces, often making it more difficult to get a good night's sleep. Darker floral area rugs can help to bring the energy more into balance in these rooms. Oversized rooms also tend to feel more yang. Fabric can make a room feel smaller and cozier. Placing furniture to avoid sharp angles and including some round, oval, and soft shapes also help make a space less yang.

Color is also an important consideration. Avoid colors that are too bold. Very dark colors, especially those in the blue family, will make it difficult to get up in the morning and will squelch a healthy sex life. Strong reds have too much energy and although they stimulate passion, sleep will be hard to come by.

The ideal location for a bed is the command position. This means that the bed is positioned so that the door is seen from the bed but is not in direct line with it. When the bed is in this position, it gives the sleepers a feeling of being in charge of their space, which means better sleep. If this is impossible, and it is necessary to put the bed so that heads are toward the door, then hang a mirror opposite the door, creating the sense of a command position.

Electromagnetic energy is another factor in today's world. Computers, televisions, and other electronic equipment contribute to creating excessive electromagnetic fields around us. These, in turn, create stress. In order to restore the body and maintain optimal health, a sleeping area needs to be free of these energy fields. Ideally this means that these electronic devices are not in the bedroom. If they are there, insist that they be turned off at night. Better yet, unplug them.

Remember that everything in our spaces in giving us a message. What is your master bedroom saying to you? Does it remind you of all the work you have to do? Or does it give you a sense of calm and invite you to relax? Does it encourage you to watch television? Or does it support intimacy? Does is add to the stress in your life? Or does it provide you with a safe and nurturing haven, whether or not you are in a relationship? If so, you have successfully created a master bedroom as a sanctuary.

Carol C. Wheelock, M.Ed. of Feng Shui Vermont is a certified feng shui practitioner who has studied in the United Sates and China. She practices Black Sect or western feng shui. Carol does private consultations for homes, schools, libraries, and businesses; clutter counseling and clearing; spaces clearings; phone consultations; presentations; and teaches workshops throughout the United States. She also does personal clearings.

Copyright � 2000-2011 Feng Shui Vermont
Carol C. Wheelock